Mild Procedure

Do you suffer from Lumbar spinal stenosis, back pain, weakness or numbess during activitiy?

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How long does the mild procedure take?
A. The mild procedure is minimally invasive, so it is easier on both the patient and the surgeon. In most cases mild can be performed in under an hour.
Q. Can the mild procedure be done under local anesthesia?
A. This is up to the surgeon, but in most cases, the mild procedure is performed under local anesthesia or under monitored anesthesia care (MAC).
Q. What are the potential benefits of the mild procedure?
A. mild is a surgical option that provides an alternative decompression treatment to address the cause of pain in patients with LSS. It can be done in an outpatient setting under local anesthesia or MAC support. Operation and recovery times are generally reduced compared to more invasive surgical procedures, with the patient entering a physical rehab/therapy program shortly following the procedure.
Potential benefits of the mild procedure include:

  • Less chance of infection and other complications associated with major back surgery
  • Minimal discomfort during surgery, with most procedures done under local anesthesia
  • Limited hospital stay – usually one day at the most
  • Reduced recovery time versus other more invasive surgical options
  • May prevent or delay the need for more invasive surgical intervention

Mild Procedure Video